* when someone feels tired, we must take a nap. hoho (/*o*)/ Xander style, kekekekeke about 4 hours ago via web
* I heard that Super Junior won bonsang award for bonamana... for what ceremony? i forgot? its not MAMA of course. about 4 hours ago via web
* whats with the article about lee seunggi? 10 Nopember 2010 18:32:06 via web
* #nowlistening lee seunggi - losing my mind 10 Nopember 2010 18:28:44 via web
* going to change my dp now. he he he...... i feel weird suddenly... 10 Nopember 2010 18:25:20 via web
* #nowlistening taeyang - i need a girl 10 Nopember 2010 18:19:59 via web
* I notice that I follow weird people~~keke~ Gotta unfollow people soon~~~ 10 Nopember 2010 18:04:02 via web
* Sorry. I can't do anything about it. :( hope you understand me. RT @winterwhite92: i still love him..... D**R**K.... stupid me??? :'(( 10 Nopember 2010 17:59:55 via web
* Please don't kill me for using a girl's pic as my DP. haha. 10 Nopember 2010 17:49:30 via web
* shoot me. i forgot about dream team today. 10 Nopember 2010 17:41:07 via web
* @winterwhite92 shockkk? haha. nope. i have ym actually. used to have one. but hehe. the email is not active now~~~ 10 Nopember 2010 17:38:54 via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @winterwhite92 my younger sis. hehe. why? 09 Nopember 2010 8:14:57 via web in reply to winterwhite92
* If you hate me so much, you can always tell me. I wont even bother u anymore. Its not right to talk bad about other people behind their back 09 Nopember 2010 8:13:19 via web
* You talk to me nicely here & then at other place you keep on insulting me. the way you talk is as if I'm always wrong! 09 Nopember 2010 8:12:10 via web
* and again, its becos of kpop. haha. my sis suggestion. Jessica. cos she likes jessica. why not diana? :) sounds better isnt it? 02 Nopember 2010 16:39:54 via web
* my mom is weird. the 3 of us, me which is derrick, damien & darren, our names starts with letter "d" and my youngest sis is named as jessica 02 Nopember 2010 16:39:01 via web
* ah. not to forget about baby jessica. :) was born on 12 october 2010. same birthdate with henry lau & my sis get all noisy becos of it. 02 Nopember 2010 16:37:38 via web
* The only girl / woman that I love is my mom & my sis. :p 02 Nopember 2010 16:36:01 via web
* Dont worry. :p I'm still single. 02 Nopember 2010 16:35:32 via web
* @winterwhite92 SPM? :O Of course not. I'm already 18. cannot take SPM already. 02 Nopember 2010 16:32:38 via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @winterwhite92 missed you too. There's nothing special here. All I do is just studying. 18 Oktober 2010 14:25:56 via web in reply to winterwhite92
* I am Legend. :) 15 Oktober 2010 21:01:17 via web
* I'm using Taemin's pic not because I am gay. Mind your words. 14 Oktober 2010 15:59:48 via web
* Warning! Don't ask me whether I'm a girl or a boy. I've write it clearly in my bio that my name is Derrick and I'm a boy. 3:58 PM Oct 14th via web
* ok. gotta go study for my biology test. kthxbai. 3:54 PM Oct 14th via web
* I'm craving for ice cream rite now. 3:54 PM Oct 14th via web
* Taemin, I could be his hyung already. Nowadays kpop artist are so young. :3 3:51 PM Oct 14th via web
* @winterwhite92 don't worry. I won't forget about yah. 3:17 PM Oct 14th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* Its been 25 days since I last updated my twitter account? and guess what, my mentions is all empty. 3:14 PM Oct 14th via web
* @winterwhite92 rhiries? why are u askin? 1:57 PM Sep 19th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @winterwhite92 @nissouchan of course i remember. :D 7:17 PM Sep 15th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* GIMME ELECTRONIC, SUPERSONIC, BIONIC ENERGY! - BoA Hurricane Venus ZZang!! 5:24 PM Sep 7th via web
* bk bhs ido sst nd ga. haha. bk jaku tambi dai ga. hoho! nd mu ma ga d sbt. >:DD 5:22 PM Sep 7th via web
* agik ka bjaku ku! haha! ndo ny meh! eeeiiiii!! blur ku. na mu ma ka ga. D: sbhg jak mh sbt. kekeke! nd me uhg nmu ma ko q. 5:21 PM Sep 7th via web
* BOOYAH! cannot talk for so long. gotta go nao. chao! ang pedih ati meh ow. aku cg sut saritu. nda mu ma tai ka gaga. 5:20 PM Sep 7th via web
* spammming!! spazz spazz! haha!! anyone around here?! :DD just feeling bored cos I've deleted my acc! 5:18 PM Sep 7th via web
* ok. i'm outta here for a while. my bro want to use this acc. don't know for what purpose. - out! 5:15 PM Sep 7th via web
* she's crying and keep on pulling my trousers. where the heck is my parents? 5:15 PM Sep 7th via web
* its raining outside. my bro keeps on playing the guitar though he don't really know how. baby jess is now crying. 5:14 PM Sep 7th via web
* i'm lonely sometimes but i'm gettin used to it somehow. -.- it has become a part of my life. 5:12 PM Sep 7th via web
* and then my sis, she's havin a fight with her boyfriend. lol. everything is not right these days. glad that i'm single. -.- 5:12 PM Sep 7th via web
* my lil bro broke up with his gf and he's crazy rite now. he annoys me by making that noisy sound. -.- 5:10 PM Sep 7th via web
* everything is ruined. -.- 5:08 PM Sep 7th via web
* tic toc tic toc. -.- 5:07 PM Sep 7th via web
* i think i should make one too. I mean twitter acc. :)) 4:52 AM Jul 31st via web
* @winterwhite92 yo. watzzup? long time no see. *darren* 4:51 AM Jul 31st via web in reply to winterwhite92
* #youlostmyrespect from the moment you tried to make fun of me in front of everyone. 2:34 PM Jul 27th via web
* #beforeipunchyou you should go away from them! 27 Juli 2010 14:33:35 via web
* @winterwhite92 eih? i dont understand? 2:14 PM Jul 27th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* Can someone please help me to knock my bro head off! he's bothering me a lot. Go study la! PMR ma. 83 days left for u to study. 5:14 PM Jul 12th via web
* man, that tweets really bothering me. 5:06 PM Jul 12th via web
* @winterwhite92 what? you? cute? and I'm ugly? >:p Its suppose to be "handsome" alien. ok? 5:04 PM Jul 12th via web in reply to winterwhite92 Retweeted by you
* @winterwhite92 Why would you think like that? why would I forget about you? 5:03 PM Jul 12th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @winterwhite92 no. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at someone else. 5:02 PM Jul 12th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @winterwhite92 ui ui~ I'm here dont worry about me missy~ 5:01 PM Jul 12th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @winterwhite92 ok. good morning. 4:12 AM Jul 7th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* Tearing. -_-" 6:30 PM Jul 4th via web ( he wrote this tweet after he send me DM. god.. i hope its not because of me (the DM), he wrote this tweet.. T_T. bad me.. :'( )
* @rhiss92 yes. I miss u too. :) 7:55 PM Jul 3rd via web in reply to winterwhite92 Retweeted by you
* @rhiss92 husband? O.O lol. sorry. i dont have time to go online. thats why I reply u a bit late. 7:53 PM Jul 3rd via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf no i am not. 2:45 AM Jun 29th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf waaaaa... now u really give me a nickname. ugly alien. walao~ 6:25 PM Jun 22nd via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf what? I didnt know that hamster could have a name like this? 3:33 AM Jun 21st via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf just come back from the moon lol. haha 3:32 AM Jun 21st via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf ok. ^.^ 3:31 AM Jun 21st via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf yes. the alien is here. :) 4:47 PM Jun 20th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf yes. I've notice about it a lot. 4:42 PM Jun 20th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf why don't we just settle things up. cause from what i see we always quarrel everytime we're trying to start a conversation. 2:28 PM Jun 20th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf huh. i'm confuse rite now. 1:36 PM Jun 20th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf i have the feeling that you dont believe me. 1:16 PM Jun 20th via web in reply to winterwhite92 ( what is that?? im still curious untill now... :( )
* @rhiriezwookielf If I were to say something now, will you believe what I say? no, you won't. u say u will believe what I say but u're not. 12:54 PM Jun 20th via web in reply to winterwhite92 ( what do u mean rick?? -_-" )
* @rhiriezwookielf lonely? haha. maybe because she doesnt have so much follower. yes. I know what it means. No, I'm just trying to ask. 6:21 PM Jun 19th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf what sweet? 6:07 PM Jun 19th via web in reply to winterwhite92
* @rhiriezwookielf and why is she forcing you? are you online? btw, ur status in fb. are you talking about me? -_-" 6:06 PM Jun 19th via web in reply to winterwhite92 ( yes!~ everyday i just talking about u.. T_T )
* @rhiriezwookielf ah. I forgot to say thank you for following me. 5:45 PM Jun 19th via web
* @rhiriezwookielf haha. looks like someone is on twitter earlier than me. :p 5:44 PM Jun 19th via web
* 2 follower? nice! 2:51 PM Jun 19th via web
* I will give you my heart. :) 2:27 PM Jun 19th via web Retweeted by you and 1 other ( WHAT DO U MEAN DERRICK??? WHO?? -_- )
* Is eating ice-cream with the whole family in the living room. Gonna use this oppurtunity to spend my time with my family members. 2:24 PM Jun 19th via web
* Hey! This is my first tweets and I have "zero" follower now. T-T 1:32 PM Jun 19th via web

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