Big 5 personality related to job performance :
- Extraversion (sociable, talkative, assertive)
- Agrreableness (good-natured, cooperative, trusting)
- conscientiousness (responsible, dependable, persistent, achievement oriented)
- Emotional Stability
- Opennes to experience (imaginative, artistically, sensitive, intelectual)
1. Self-esteem.
2. Self-Efficacy : confidence a person to complete a job.
ATTITUDES is person's tendency to feel and behave in a certain way towards a certain object.
Function of the attitudes :
1. adaptation
2. ego defense
3. knowledge
4. expression values
How to change attitudes :
1. give new information
2. utilize the fear
3. destroy the difference
4. affects a friend or group
5. Co-opting approach
- Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience
- Job satisfaction is a result of employee perceptions of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important.
five main factors that affect job satisfaction :
1. The work it self
2. Pay
3. Promotion opportunities
4. Supervision
5. Coworkers

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