and this is his question:
Soklan2 untuk orang yg bertuahss kene tags??hehe
1~apekah rahsie terbesar anda..sile beritahu dengan jujur,.haha
2~anda kidal ke tak?
3~siapkah saya ni di mata anda..jangan bg resume saya kat atas ni yer..
4~ape artis kesukaan anda?lagu fevret?genre?
5~suke men game x?game ape?
6~ce bg taw pgtahuan korang paling korang rasa paling byk lam segi ape?
7~adakah anda sorang yg gilekan stail or trend masa kini??sbb??
8~fevret food and drinks..sbb jd fevret skali..hehe
9~kalo dapat wang satu juta hadiah drp balas tag saya nih..ape yg anda nk wat ng duit tu..
10~kalo jumpe duit tercicir tgh jalan..masa tu takde org..agak2 awak amik tak..knape??
11~bg no fon..hahaha=))
12~bg alamat rumah..hehe
13~adakah anda penyokong poligami??sbb??hehee
14~suke politik x??sebab?
15~status korang skang..hehe
16~ape korang buat skang..
17~misi dan visi anda??
18~destinasi paling anda nk pergi??hehe
19~letak gambar pose paling seksi bagi korang..hehe..
urmmm... although im lil bit know how to speak malay, i'll try it.. kkkk~
1. my big secret? urmmm~ dont tell anyone ya?? sssttt~!!! iam soo beautiful!!! hahahaaaa....
if i tell u, it was not be a big secret again laa... wkwkwkwk~
2. kidal? what is kidal? left-handed?
heemm,, nope. im normal. hwehehe...
3. u r?? u r my ex-bf~ LOL~~ u r my best friend in fb~ i wish we r in one country. so we can meet and hang out together! ;) always keep in touch yaa!
4. i like KPOP! about song, i like everything but its depend my mood. but i more like songs which have fast beat.
5. game? i like it.. muahahaha... i like the sims. hoho..
6. knowledge about psychology maybe? because i learn it in my university. hehe..
u can read it in my previous post blog..
7. urrmm... nope i think? i like to be my self. bwahahaha...
8. my favorite food is seafood! hahaha... especially shrimp, squid and crab.. and i like spicy food!! its very YUMMY... !!
9. hmmm... i will spend it to go around world! but "satu juta" in Indonesia is not enough for go around world. so maybe i'll spend it to buy food, hunting clothes and shoes or go to salon. mwahahaha...
10. how much that money? if much, i'll put it but if not i'll ignore it. haghaghag~
11. numb phone? u'll call me?? hehehe~ this +6285728204560
12. my address? u'll come to my home? hehee..
jalan winong number 26, winong baru, boyolali, central java.
13. poligami? nope! i dont support it.. because it is harmful to women! hahaha...
14. nope! politics in here is like a shit. wkwkwkwk.. politic is corruptor.
15. SINGLE! hahaha...
16. answering ur question while watching globalTV~
17. my visi and misi? urmmm....
make everyone happy because of me although im not happy. hoho..
18. i want go to malaysia because i have a promise to meet someone in there~! and i want go to south korea too.. hehe..
19. ahhh,,, u put pict of u and ur mom~ can I put like as u? :p

1 people said:
ouhh..thankss rizmaa!!haha..really a nice post lal!!!i like them so much~~,
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